SCG History

Société Des Ciments De Gabès- Secil Group

Key Dates:


Creation of Société des Ciments de Gabès « SCG »


Start-up of production with an annual capacity of 660,000 tons of clinker.


Sale of "SCG" to the Portuguese group "SECIL", leader in the cement sector in Portugal.


Increased production capacity of 1,300,000 tons of cement, which is equivalent to the amount needed to build approximately 50,000 single-family homes.


Installation of bag filters and heat exchangers. (Reduction of dust emissions to values significantly below the values allowed by Tunisian standards). Renovation and improvement of conditioning towers as well as 39 filters in various plant installations. Increased production capacity to reach 1,550,000 tons of cement.


Installation of a vertical cement mill, which generated significant energy savings of 10 to 15 KWh per ton of cement, equivalent to savings of 10 GWh per year. This installation has also enabled us to increase our grinding capacity to 2 million tons and to produce special cements, in particular fine cements.


European CE certification obtained and start of cement exports to Europe.